“Restore us, O God Almighty; make your face shine upon us, that we may be saved” Psalm 80:4 (NKJV)

Wouldn’t you like to see a tsunami of restoration transform your situation so drastically that everybody will notice the change? Would you like to hear people say, “The last time I saw you, things weren’t going so well. Just look at you now! Tell me, how did this happen?”

That might not be you now; you may still be in the dark. But if so, be encouraged! When God gets ready to restore, He does His best work in the dark! Let me give you an example. When God was ready to do the work of redemption at the Cross, He flicked the “off” switch on the sun, which caused darkness to come on the earth. It was as if He was saying, “What I am about to do is so incredible, that you will never understand it or properly handle it without My help. So I am just going to turn out the lights.”

At this point, all I can tell you is that sometimes God does His best work in secret. When you are in a prison of despair, God is often setting the stage for you to be delivered supernaturally! You just don’t know it. And others might not know it either. Perhaps you know what it is like to be living in isolation, just trying to survive in the wilderness of failure, in the desert place of unendurable pain and hurt. Then it happens; somehow, you don’t know exactly what or how it happened, but suddenly you are on the path to restoration!


“I’m ready to stand back, to stop interfering and to watch You turn my life around in a radical way. I’m ready for You to restore my broken heart. I know that I am never alone, because the power of the risen King lives inside of me!”

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