“Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21 (NKJV)
Perhaps you’ve caught yourself on the brink of giving up before. Perhaps you heard yourself saying, “You don’t understand. I’ve relived that failure every night since it happened. I just feel I’m going to fail everytime.”
Remember that God is on your side. Jesus loves you so much that He personally paid the price for your ultimate freedom from failure! God loves you - even in your failure - but He loves you too much to leave you there!
Trust God enough to let Him take you through situations where things went sour due to bad decisions, weakness, wrong motives, or difficult surroundings. When you pass the test, you give God the excuse to bless you, and you release Him to deliver you from the leprosy of failure and inadequacy.
You will no longer feel like an outcast, as Gehazi did. As far as your family, friends, and enemies are concerned, they will say, “One day you were down and out, and the next thing we knew, you were restored and on the top of the world, whispering council in the King’s ear.”
Are you ready to experience incredible restoration like that? If He can do it for Gehazi, He can do it for anybody— including you.
“Lord, I thank You for overlooking my sins, failures and weaknesses. In You, I know that I am made perfect. Thank You for turning every situation around for my good. I declare and decree, that even as You release miracles for others, You can do it for me too!”