“And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.” 2 John 6 (NKJV)

Are you in a situation where you are having a hard time trying to obey God? Naaman had that very same problem. Naaman had leprosy and went to Elisha to get the so- called “Moses treatment” but Elisha had something else in mind. Instead of the dramatic raising of the arms and the Prophet’s outstretched staff to get healed, Elisha told Naaman to jump in the river. This Jordan River actually wasn’t a river at all – it was a creek that was too muddy to drink and too filthy for bathing in! To the leper, it was just another insult heaped on top of the others. I think that many of us are like Naaman.

We expect God to tell us what we want to hear, but when God reveals His plan, it seems like He’s expecting us to jump into the muddy Jordan. It feels insulting that the God you trusting for a miracle would point you in a direction which doesn’t make sense. Sometimes God may say, “If you love me, keep my commandments.” I believe that if we truly love God and desire to keep His commandments, we should have no problem obeying Him.

We have to understand that even though the Jordan River didn’t seem pleasant, it was important because it was the place God choose for Naaman’s miracle. You may not like what God is telling you, but we must remember that it is the decision that He has made. If you need to be blessed; if you need restoration in your life, then give God an excuse to bless you. Of course He already desires to bless you, but you can grab His attention in such a way that it happens speedily. This is through one key – obedience!


“May I be hidden under the shadow of Your wings. May I become comfortable in Your presence, and dwell in the secret place all the days of my life, in Jesus Name.”

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