“O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly; My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You in a dry and weary land where there is no water...for You have been my help” Psalm 63:1, 7 (NKJV)

Worship will be our primary activity in heaven, yet some people can barely tolerate worshiping God for even an hour on earth. Often we are in such a hurry that we miss Him! Are you too busy to spend time in God’s presence? Are you so caught up in keeping your schedule and being on time that you run past the encounter that God has for your life?

Worship gives you access to direct miracles because it is the atmosphere of heaven!

Do you see the value and importance of worship, or do you have the attitude that says, “I can be late for church and miss the worship, but I’ll be there for the preaching!” Worship is an important part of our services because it is the only part that God gets anything out of! It is a time when God can have intimate time with us. It’s when we love on Him, and He loves on us.

Worship is more than just part of a church service. It is the art of knowing how to dwell in God’s presence. God’s presence can transform your darkest hour into your brightest season. It is in His presence that we find Him and become whole!


“From this day, I choose to fellowship with You like never before. My soul is thirsty for Your presence and Your touch. You are my Shepherd and my Guide. I worship you today, knowing that You are setting me up for the greatest miracle of my life, in the Name of Jesus.”

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