“In the shelter of your presence you hide them from the intrigues of men; in your dwelling you keep them safe from accusing tongues.” Psalm 31:20 (NKJV)

The tragedy which we face today in the Body of Christ is that so many people desire to take the glory for themselves. When God enters a meeting in a powerful way, somehow there will be someone who will try take the glory for themselves. But in this verse it says, “in the shelter of Your presence, You hide them...”

In the thick and weighty presence, he was hidden from the crowd. He was spared from enduring the test of pride. What I want to encourage you today is that you get back to a place of seeking the presence of God in the secret place. Don’t worry about what man sees or doesn’t see. Never take credit for what you cannot duplicate.

The presence of God is something that we cannot duplicate; it is His and His alone. It is God who decides where and when signs and wonders are made manifest. If we choose to dwell in the secret place of His presence above all else, then I believe we will experience the presence of God in a mightier way than ever before.


“May I be hidden under the shadow of Your wings. May I become comfortable in Your presence, and dwell in the secret place all the days of my life, in Jesus Name.”

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