“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Genesis 1:27 (KJV)

God created man in His image and in His likeness. It is because of this that man is naturally creative. It is a God- quality which we were created according to! We can choose whether to use our inherent creativity or not.

Creativity is seen in the innovations and ideas that men come up with. It’s our ability to imagine, design and then create. That’s a quality of God! It is within our quality of creativity that we will find prosperity.God gave man the authority to finish the work of creation, because He has given all of us a divine quality to be creative! It’s built in on the inside of us – we can simply choose whether or not to cultivate it.

Even in the World, we see a distinct difference between the rich and poor. Most of the poor populated are people who do not use their God-given creativity. When people lack creativity, they are forced to live off the natural resources that God has given us. The problem is that these resources are only available to a certain degree. The Bible even shows situations where the land could no longer sustain the people. That’s why a lack of creativity causes poverty.

The Bible clearly shows God has given us the ability to create wealth – you can read it in the book of Deuteronomy. It is up to you to put that ability to work!


“From today, I choose to take that divine ability that God has given me to create wealth, and to put it into practice. As I put my creativity to work, I decree that I will not know struggle, in the Name of Jesus!”

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