“Be you therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.” Luke 6:36 (NKJV)

A father is a person who has patience. Whenever you look at a father, you will see someone who is willing to invest into someone else, while understand that there is a waiting period until that person shows change. A father doesn’t mind the hick-ups which come along the way. Regardless of what may happen, he focuses on comforting, nurturing and investing into the child.

This is why you would see that the father of the prodigal son in the Bible asked for the best robe and a ring for his son who returned home. A father will always want his children to have the best of the best, regardless of their shortcomings and failures. This is exactly how God treats us.

The role of a father is to establish identity into a child’s life. Fathers do not only provide financially. It’s far beyond that. A father provides direction, protection, wisdom and grace. That’s why the devil attack fatherhood in a child’s life, because as soon as you strike the head, the sheep will scatter.

May we cultivate within our own lives the heart of the father. As we do, may the mercy that we extend to others be an indicator of Christ in us!


“May the heart of a father be cultivated with me, that my life will reach many. Holy Spirit, mold and shape me to be more like You, in the Name of Jesus.”

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