Day 47 - Jesus Stays The Same Always

“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.”

Hebrews 13:8 (NKJV)

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today! He does the same things today that He did thousands of years ago. Years ago, He healed the sick and cast out devils. Today, He still heals the sick and casts out devils. He raised the dead two thousand years ago and is still raising the dead today.

Jesus is alive and He is stretching out His hand to minister to you now. He has not changed at all. He is a Master at

what He does. I have personally seen the Lord Jesus healing the sick and casting out devils.

Do not let the devil deceive you. The things you read in the Bible are real and are still happening today. Although Jesus is the head of the Church, He heals through His body. No matter the good intentions of the head, it needs the cooperation of it’s hands to do certain things. Your head may decide, “I am going to read this book,” but it is the hands that will be used to lift the book up. Without the hands doing their part, the good intentions of the head cannot be realized. That is why the Church must be actively healing and casting out demons.

We are the hands and the feet of Jesus today. Allow Him into your life right now, to use you as His hands and feet to reach the lost around you!


“I receive the anointing today, in a fresh new realm. I give Him full access and permission to work in my life, through my life, and to touch those around me as He pleases.”

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