“Do you understand what you are reading?” Philip asked. “How can I,” he said, “unless someone explains it to me?” So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.” ACTS 8:30-31 (NIV)

Asking questions and seeking clarification may seem like a little thing, but that’s what makes the biggest difference between those who are successful and those who are not. People have searched for differences for decades to explain the vast difference between groups of people. They have tried to measure brain size, intelligence and IQ. They always came up with a blank because God made us all the same - equally capable in all things. It is seemingly small differences between us that make the big difference. Have you noticed how some groups on the planet seek to study and to understand lions, leopards, antelopes, worms, flies, birds, sharks, whales and snakes? This is while other groups of people simply kill them when they come across them. They couldn’t be bothered to study, to learn, or to delve deeper into equipping themselves. These are examples of the little differences I’m referring to.

In the ministry, the great difference between ministers and churches is caused by this very thing. Some people never ask, “How is this person able to have a successful ministry? How were you able to move in power like this? How can I get the anointing?” Sadly, many ministers do not seek clarification. Many ministers do not ask questions. They don’t follow in the footsteps of another who is greater than them. This is one of the key differentiating factors between those who are called, and those who are chosen. Above all else, always be teachable, and hungry for more.


“Today, may the eyes of my understanding go open! May You reveal the mysteries of the written Word to me, so that I may grow in my faith, anointing and gift.”

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