“And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief for verily I say unto you, if ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, remove hence to yonder place, and it shall remove, and nothing shall be impossible unto you.” Matthew 17:20 (KJV)

When it comes to scripture, you should seek to understand the pretext and the context of the verse for you to get full understanding. The above scripture is one of the most misunderstood scriptures in the Bible, because many think Jesus was implying that your faith can stay small, and it will still work for you.

However, I’d like to point out that the very same Jesus is the One who would always find fault with the “little faith” of His disciples. Understand that this verse is not saying you should have little faith like a mustard seed, but that you faith should carry the action of the mustard seed. Even though this seed is very small, it grows to become a massive tree that can shelter all kinds of birds. If you possess such kind of faith, nothing can limit you!

There is no natural law that can stop you from being prosperous, for there is sufficient grace upon you to become a testimony. Whatever situation you are in today, something greater is coming out of you. I prophesy to you that you shall see greater things sprouting out of your life!


“I declare that great and mighty things are coming forth from my life. By faith, I shall make a mark which no man can erase. Many shall be astounded at that which comes forth from me, in the Name of Jesus! ”

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