“..thou shalt kill the bullock before the LORD, by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.” Exodus 29:11 (KJV)
It took me many years to understand the in-depth symbolism of the tabernacle. With time, I found that the Holy of Holies was considered as the seat of God’s power, anointing and presence. Taking steps towards the Holy of Holies was equated to taking steps towards God’s presence and power.
When you study the tabernacle of Moses, you will quickly realise that there was always a sacrifice to be made at the door of the tabernacle, before the priest could enter into the Holy of Holies. Without a sacrifice, he could not enter, and was denied the opportunity to delve deeper into the things of God. The same is true for the church today.
In the New Testament, we don’t have to offer the blood of an animal anymore, but we are to offer up our lives as a living sacrifice for Him. As we become a living sacrifice, we get access to move closer and closer to the inner place of His power and anointing.
However, some Christians try to short cut their way to the anointing. They aren’t willing to be a living sacrifice. But without sacrifice, you will never be able to carry the very power of God that is mentioned in the scriptures. God is looking for people who are willing to die to their flesh and seek His Kingdom wholeheartedly. The result is immeasurable power!
“Today, I choose to rededicate my life to be a living sacrifice for Him. I have made up my mind to pursue His presence, His power and His anointing above all else! I will do everything that God wants me to do, and I will forever be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.”