Day 40 - Becoming A Master

“Be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.”

Hebrews 6:12 (NKJV)

One of the most common desires which people have across all the world today is to become a master in their area of influence or expertise. Everyone wants to attain success and be known for achieving something great in this lifetime. They want to make a name for themselves, yet not many are willing to put in the work.

In the scripture, we see the very thing that can prevent you from becoming a master at that which you do. This is called slothfulness. This is the downfall of many believers. They desire to reach the top, yet lack the ability to be diligent in doing whatever it takes to get there.

The statistics show that in order to become a master or to become an expert in a specific area, you need to have spent at least 10,000 hours studying and dealing with that one thing. You have to give up anything and everything that would cause distractions, plan your whole life and schedule around it, and seek to make it your first and only priority. This is the cost to become a master.

Don’t fall into the snare of slothfulness. Exercise diligence as you make it your primary focus to become an master in the things of God, and in that which He has created you to accomplish.


“Stagnation is far from me! I am moving forward. As I apply myself diligently to accomplishing the task at hand and the call of God for my life, I know that fruitfulness will be my portion. I shall be known for my success, in Jesus Name.”

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