“You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance.” Psalm 32:7 (NKJV)

Most manufacturers add a preservative to their products. The preservative acts as a buffer against anything that is known to attack the product. Because of a preservative, a product is known to last longer and maintain its quality and potency.

In the same way, the Bible says that God will preserve you. He will protect and guard you against all harm. That means that on the inside of you is something that acts as a buffer against the attacks of the enemy. No matter what the devil throws at you, it can’t destroy you. God designed you to overcome!

Just as preservatives are meant to protect a product from damage for a particular period, you are covered in this lifetime. You have nothing to fear. You shall not die prematurely, but live to be a testimony of the goodness of God.

As you go about your day, be assured that you are protected, covered and highly favoured!


“I am designed to overcome anything that the enemy throws at me. I live without fear! The life which I’m living is destined for greatness, favour and success, so that I may be a living testimony of Christ.”

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