“For we are members of his body, of his flesh and of his bones.” Ephesians 5:30

After His resurrection, Jesus ascended to the heavens and sent His Holy Spirit to abide within us. So even though Jesus is not walking this earth today, His ministry can still continue through us.

Right now, because you are in South Africa, Jesus is walking the streets of South Africa. Wherever you find yourself, his ministry ought to be flourishing. Our scripture for today tells us that we are members of Christ – parts of His body.

Christ is dwelling on the inside of us through the Holy Spirit, so we have a duty to bring the lost to salvation and to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. You might be the only Jesus your work colleagues will ever meet.

Make a decision to become the vessel that God has called you to be. The fields are white, the harvest is plenty. Someone in your social circle and sphere of influence is desperately waiting to hear your testimony, that they may be introduced to Christ in you.


“Through Christ, I am an effective minister of the gospel! He is working in me and through me to reach the lost, that they may inherit salvation. Rewards of winning souls shall be accredited to my account as I begin to share my testimony, in Jesus Name!”

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