“Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment because as he is; so are

we in this world.” 1 John 4:17 (KJV)

In today’s scripture, I’d like to emphasize the part that says “as He is; so are we in this world”. The Bible says that we are exactly like Jesus while we are in this world – it doesn’t speak about the world to come. The Jesus I know wasn’t sick, didn’t battle with poverty, and was not defeated!

So why is it we have so many Christians who are living sub-standard lives, yet claim to be walking in His footsteps?Scripture confirms that God does not and can not lie. Whatever He says regarding your life is truth. Whatever He has called you to do, He also created you to be. He created you in light of who He called you to be.

All you need to do is to grasp full understanding of who you are in the sight of God. This is the only way you can experience the full benefits of being a child of God.

Challenge that sickness to get out of your system. Challenge lack and poverty, serving it an eviction notice. You are a replica of God in this world, and every area of your life should reflect that.

Today is the day you get to embrace who you are and the power you carry! Change starts here!


“I am a direct representation of God in this world. From today, the world shall see peace, prosperity, good health, increase, and abundance flowing through me. As He is, so am I – in the mighty Name of Jesus.”

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