“But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.”

1 Kings 3:9-28 (NKJV)

Solomon developed stability in his mind by the wisdom that God gave him. Wisdom is the principle thing according to the book of Proverbs, so if you operate by wisdom, your life will be blessed and you shall not lack any good thing!

Many believers are so emotional or spiritual that they fail to make use of their minds.

Other believers are so logical and rational that God can’t move in their lives – His Spirit is completely quenched by their reasoning.

The main key is to have a balance of the Spirit of God and wisdom. That is the will of God. Every Christian must train themselves to achieve a balance between both wisdom and power.

My advice for parents is to motivate their children as far as they can possibly go. The day will come when they will thank you for what you have done for them, how you always motivated them to do better and try harder, because you caused them to develop intellect and wisdom.

When you balance the Spirit of wisdom and power, you will see success flow effortlessly from your life.


“From today, the spirit of wisdom and revelation will be my portion. 

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