Day 30 - Brokenness Attracts God

“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart— These, O God, You will not despise.”

Psalm 51:17 (NKJV)

There is no better place to be than in a state of complete brokenness before God. There are many scriptures for this, but the verse above says that God will not despise a broken heart.

Why does scripture say that He is near to the broken-hearted? Does that mean that unless you’re broken, He cannot be near?

A person with a broken heart is one who surrenders and yields himself completely to God. Nothing is impossible for a person that is broken in the hands of God.

David had a heart after the Father’s own heart, and he knew how to be broken before God. It was from David’s desperation to meet with God that he encountered God in such an intimate way.

When you become broken before God, it truly strengthens the relationship between you and Him. God wants to know that we hunger and thirst after Him, that we long for His touch, and that we make Him our first priority – despite what we may be going through. He simply desires for us to pursue Him, wholeheartedly.


“My heart shall never become hardened and cold. I surrender myself to God, I yield to Him. May God make me, mold me, use me and break me. All for Your glory!”

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