“The entrance of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple.” Psalm 119:130 (NKJV)

Success is a direct result of the amount of light you have in every aspect of your life. Most of the areas people struggle with in life is because they lack knowledge. Some tend to blame their past, their family, demons or even bloodline curses, but all you need is the Word of God, and you will come back with a testimony!

When you study physics, they will tell you that the amount of light you have determines the amount of matter that you can create or control. The Bible tells you exactly how to get that light. Our scripture for today says the entrance of His Word brings light!

Are you feeling helpless and overwhelmed? Get into the Word! See what God has to say about your situation. It won’t be long before you’re taking from being trapped in darkness - not knowing what to do, and thrust into the light!

The Bible tells us that His Word becomes a light and a lamp unto your feet. Begin to fill your spirit with the Word. This light will give you direction, wisdom and uncommon favour!


“I am walking in the light, just as He is in the light. I shall never be disadvantaged, for God is with me. His Word is alive inside of me; penetrating every fibre of my being. Darkness flees from me, at the entrance of His Word.”

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