Day 22 - The Miraculous

“And he said to them all, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.””

Luke 9:23 (KJV)

Jesus - any believer’s greatest Mentor - lived a lifestyle of sacrifice while on earth, always walking around with a Kingdom mindset. He knew that His suffering, His sacrifices and the persecution He endured was temporal.

His focus was fixated on the will

of the Father, as Jesus made a decision that no matter how great the cost – He secured and fulfilled

the high call upon His life.

As a result of a lifestyle of sacrifice, the impact Jesus made on this world is eternal and can never be undone. In the same way, if you desire to walk in signs, wonders, and miracles, you must also live a life of sacrifice.

To reach your full potential and purpose for life, determine in your heart today to follow the lifestyle and example of Christ!


“Today I choose to follow God and I will reach my full potential. I will go to the top without struggling, because God is making my paths straight.”

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