“So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is” Ephesians 5:17 (NASB)
Do you ever question whether you’re walking in the perfect will of God for your life? Today I am going to give you a key principle on how to be sure whether you are walking according to the blueprint which God has drawn out for you. Firstly, you can avoid entering the imperfect will of God by being sensitive to His voice. As believers, we can hear the voice of God, but the question is, how accurately do we hear it? Many of you may hear from God, but you can misinterpret it and sometimes even twist it to suit the desired outcome.
We have a spirit, soul and a body, but God only communicates to our spirits because He is Spirit. After God speaks to our spirit, our spirit man needs to carry the message to our soul, and from there, our soul needs to carry the message through our body and actions. If you have ever played the childhood game, “broken telephone” you will have first-hand experience on how easy a simple sentence can be misinterpreted. This is a perfect example of the constant battle between your spirit and your flesh. If your flesh is stronger than your spirit, then the voice of your flesh will be louder than God’s.
As we become sensitive to His voice, we’ll discover God’s will for our lives, and not fall into the trap of foolishness.
Prophetic Declaration
“My sensors are being fine-tuned to His voice! His plan, will and purposes for my life is being revealed. I am living by divine design!”