“The centurion answered and said, “Lord, I am not worthy that You should come under my roof. But only speak a

word, and my servant will be healed.”” Matthew 8:8 (NKJV)

This verse describes a centurion was not even a Jew, yet he understood that Jesus could perform miracles beyond natural comprehension. He had faith to the extent which caused Jesus to say that He had not yet seen such great faith in all of Israel.

The centurion’s faith was seen in his belief that any word spoken by the Master, would be enough to heal his servant. The centurion had first-hand knowledge and understanding of military ranking. He knew that if he had to speak, those beneath him would obey. Therefore, he perceived that because Jesus was the Son of God, sickness would obey His command.

He believed in the authority and power carried by the breath of Jesus’ words. Authority causes you to know who you are, and gives you the power to decree and declare something into being! That authority gives you power to command a situation in your life to disappear. You can command sickness, spirit of poverty, or demon of depression to depart!

That anointing has already been given unto every believer. You just need to act upon it by opening your mouth and beginning to speak!


“Christ in me is all the authority I need. I believe, and therefore I speak! Right now, in the Name of Jesus, I command all that which is afflicting me to depart.”

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