The Anointing Is Not Cheap
“But Jesus answered and said, You know not what you ask. Are you able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?...” (NKJV)
There is a price to pay to gain access to the anointing that you want. Everyone who has the anointing has paid a price for the anointing which they have received. Jesus made it very clear in the Bible when He said, “Any man who comes after me must take up his cross, pay the price and follow me.”
To follow the anointed, you have to take up your cross, leave all behind, and follow. When James and John sat at the right hand of the Father and received the anointing, Jesus asked a shocking question... “Are you able to drink the cup of suffering that I am about to drink?” (Matthew 20:22 - NKJV)
People who don’t make the anointing a priority will never receive it. Many people can watch movies, socialise day in and day out, or play sports the whole day. But these same people don’t have time to watch one anointed service. People spend hours on social media but they have no time to socialise with God. Only those who spend quality time and precious hours waiting, and pursuing the anointing are worthy to receive it.
Are you prepared to spend time with the anointed and sacrifice your personal time? Are you prepared to humble yourself, sit in a service and learn something that you did not know?
“Today, I choose to crucify my flesh and adopt a lifestyle of sacrifice. I commit to go through the process of preparation and dedication, for the anointing to come upon my life. Holy Spirit, here I am!”
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