STRATEGISE YOUR LIFE BY BIBLICAL DESIGN Spiritual Receptors and Your Imagination
Spiritual Receptors and Your Imagination
A receptor is an organ or a cell in your body that is able to respond to light, heat, or other external stimulus then transmits a signal to your sensory nerve. For example, there are three million pain receptors throughout the body, found in skin, muscles, bones, blood vessels and some organs. To understand what I want teach you today I will need to awaken you to a new mindset. A type of internal paradigm shift.
The problem with mankind is that they have a belief that they are human trying to have a spiritual experience when in fact they are spiritual beings having a human experience.
Before we continue to break proverbial bread for further clarity, let me first ask you this:
- DO YOU want to transform your life?
- DO YOU want a better quality of life?
- DO YOU truly want to live a life where you are more than a conqueror?
- DO YOU want to manifest the scripture as it is written in John 10:10?
“Take Dominion Over what God has Already made Available”
If we are going to experience desired changes, we will have to go where these treasures are held, we will need the Word and the redeeming revelation it holds. Unfortunately, many are failing to live this life of promised glory due to their inability to take dominion over what God has already made available. By illustration let me refresh your memory:
- HIS punishment for our forgiveness.
- HEALTH in place of sickness.
- BLESSING in place of curses.
- JOY in place of sadness.
- ABUNDANCE in place of poverty.
- STRENGTH in place of weakness.
- ACCEPTANCE in place of rejection.
At salvation a NEW MAN replaced the OLD MAN in you and God in His loving kindness equipped us with a very special instrument, a powerful weapon that will enable us to take possession of these manifold blessings.
“Your Mind is a Powerful Weapon, and your Enemy Fears your Discovery of It”
There is a powerful dimension called the THOUGHT DIMENSION, which is highly underestimated, but God entrenched us with many gifts, each one purposed to specific tasks. He gave us a mouth with which we chart the course of our lives. It is our mouths that was used to confess ourselves into salvation (Romans 10:9-10 KJV).
Paul makes mention of another gift and its function in Romans 12:1-2 (NKJV).
By inspiration of the Holy Spirit Paul unlocks a life changing revelation in that God has given us a mind powerful enough to steer us into transformation. The word “transform” in this passage was translated from the Greek word “Metamorphoo” which means to be changed from one form, state or even level to another. He furthers the revelation by telling us that our transformation is encrypted into the renewing of our minds.
Your life and personality are an expression of the character of your words expressed through your mind. Fortunately for us God has shown that we can manage our mind. That we can reprogramme our minds and change its contents. This change will showcase through your renewed character and subsequential results that will be exhibited.
Your mind has never been your brain and your brain has never been your mind. Your mind cannot be understood by even the best scientists of this world. That’s because the mind is an intangible spiritual entity, and only God’s word can shed light on it. Man has a twofold nature, the outward man and the inward man (2 Corinthians 4:16).
- OUTWARD MAN: our physical body and its five senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste).
- INWARD MAN: the human spirit and soul (the seat of your mind (not brain), will, emotions, reasoning and intellect). Your human spirit has spiritual senses, and they function through your soul and its mind. This shows why your mind is so powerful and important, because it is the connector of your spirit to your body. Things that we see come from things which do not appear, they come from thoughts or our imagination (Hebrews 11:3)
What the nervous system is to the body, the soul is to the spirit and what the BRAIN is to the nervous system, the MIND is to the soul. The mind is capable of receiving and progressing information from the outward man and its senses, as well as from the inward man and his spiritual senses. The mind is ultimately responsible for your attitude and or actions.
Protect your mind, it’s not an open field. We must keep our hearts with all diligence. The word “keep” in Proverbs 4:23 is also used as the word “guard” which is a military term, an expression of protecting from attack or keeping safe from danger. Educate your inner man, recognise that God is not going to guard your heart for you, this responsibility lies with you. God shows us exactly how to guard over our mind, by choosing the thoughts we allow to come in and take root (Philippians 4:8 NKJV).
What are you thinking about? What thoughts are you entertaining and absorbing as your personal truth? It is imperative that you use your mind correctly. What you do with your mind will determine the quality of life you’ll live here on earth. Your mind can make you poor or rich. It can place you on the pedestal of glory and greatness or dump you into the dust of suffering and shame.
How you “keep” your mind is critical, it is the passage to the higher level you desire. One of the first things you must learn to do with your mind is to focus on the right things. Isaiah 23:3 says that those whose mind is stayed on Him, He will keep in perfect peace. The Hebrew rendering of the phrase “perfect peace” is “shalom”, which in essence means “peace of prosperity. The Lord is saying that He will keep you in the peace of prosperity if your mind is stayed, fixed and focussed on Him.
How can someone love the Lord, which is an emotion, with all his might or strength (Deuteronomy 6:5)? Jesus gives us the answer in Matthew 22:37-37 by introducing the word “mind” in place of “might” letting us know that loving the Lord with all your might (or strength) is the same as loving Him with all your mind.
Setting your mind on something or someone shows that you are in control of your mind (Romans 8:5-6). Your mind will be steered correctly when you have knowledge of truth, accepting it, endorsing it and acting like it.
By setting your mind on the ordinary place of life, on fleshly, worldly things will only produce death. But if you want peace then you will have to live spiritually-minded.
“Set Your Mind on the Word of God – Start Today”
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