OFFENCE – PART 2 Why it Comes and How to Conquer It?
One of the most effective weapons that the enemy is using to steal, kill and destroy is called offence.
I have met many believers who find this hard to believe – they question if the greatest cause of one’s destruction isn’t addiction, or perhaps pride. But unfortunately, for many of them, the enemy has them so deceived that their focus would be fixated on being pure in external things, whilst their hearts rot away.
The best way for me to describe offence is that it defiles you from the inside. In fact, offence is like drinking poison, while hoping that the other person will die.
Offence that is not dealt with will place you in a prison, where no one can come in and you cannot get out.
“When an offence is not dealt with, you will do worse than what caused you the offence!”
It is important to remember that there is a process to offence, as we have previously revealed in Part 1 of this series.
- Offence
- Betrayal
- Hatred
When we allow ourselves to be offended and we don’t deal with it, it leads to other very damaging human emotions, like betrayal and eventually hatred towards the person who harmed us.
The Bible clearly states that it is inevitable for offence to come. It will come to every single one of us, but we have a choice as to what we do with that offence.
1 Then He said to the disciples, “It is impossible that no offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come! 2 It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.”
Luke 17:1-2 (NKJV)
So the question is not if offence will come, but rather, how do I recognise it?
More importantly, how do I deal with it?
The time has never been more crucial to recognise this than now. In the scriptures, we read of the disciples asking Jesus what signs would be present when we begin to approach the end of the age… Jesus mentioned a few things, and ended off by saying,
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. (the aforementioned things…)
9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. 10 And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another.
Matthew 24:8-10 (NKJV)
Jesus said that one of the signs of the last days will be that many will be offended, and it’s easy to notice that recently there is rising an apparent trend where people tend to get offended for every little thing.
The key lies in knowing how to deal with it. If you feel yourself resisting this article, then maybe it’s time to examine your heart.
If offence is so easily able to ensnare us, then we are to be watchful over ourselves that we do not fall into this trap.
Here are some signs that you are offended, which you need to watch out for:
- Withdrawing from Relationships and Fellowship
It is not unusual for relationships to be destroyed because of offence. An offended person will often decide to stay away and withhold any support and contribution he or she used to make.
- Resentment
If you find that you resent someone, it is a good sign that you are offended. Resentment is harbouring animosity against a person or group of people who you feel has mistreated you, or anger which you have over a negative event which occurred in the past.
- Distrust
Offended people lose trust for everybody. A church member that is offended can lose the respect and trust he/she has for the leaders, and may find it difficult to submit to authority, developing a destructive independent spirit.
- Betrayal
Offence can lead to betrayal of love, friendship, as well as disloyalty. Many people will betray the trust of their previously close friends, because they are offended.
- Unanswered Prayers
Carrying offence can lead to unanswered prayers. Jesus said in Mark 11 that if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them so that your father in heaven may forgive you your sins.
- Rebellion
Offended people often develop a rebellious spirit and go against the established order.
The Bible says in Proverbs 18:19 that “A brother offended is harder to win than a strong city.”
That’s why, in today’s article, I will reveal to you the mystery behind this subtle device that the enemy uses to divide people from one another.
Dealing with offences is very important, because if not dealt with, it can attract a lot of demonic activity into our lives.
Offence is the gateway – in fact, a VIP invitation – for the enemy to wreak havoc in our lives.
- Forgive Quickly (Ephesians 4)
Forgiveness means to release, dismiss, to cancel debts. It is the ability to release people and painful events, as well as hurt and bitterness, from your heart. This is when you feel the freedom of no longer being angry with the person who hurt you.
- Learn to Confront Issues Biblically (Matthew 18)
We need to adopt the attitude outlined in Matthew 18, where Jesus clearing says that if someone sins against us – giving us reason to be hurt or offended – we should approach that one and attempt to make right with them. If they refuse to hear you, only then you should take another with you as a witness. But when you confront these issues, according to the Word of God, offence will be easily dealt with before those wounds begin to fester.
- Pray For Your Enemies (Matthew 5)
Many times, when you pray for someone who has hurt you, God brings healing to your heart – even without the situation being resolved.
- Decide Not to Take Revenge (Romans 12 / Luke 9)
God has not given us the privilege of paying back evil for evil. As Christians, we are not allowed to take vengeance on anybody – irrespective of what the offence is. God is the only one who has the right to take vengeance because He is all-knowing.
- Give it to God in Prayer
The problem is that when we talk and think about what that person did to us, or said about us, the enemy gets the perfect stage to replay the situation before you, making it seem a lot bigger than it truly is. Pray about it, and stop talking about it. It’s that simple.
- Love Unconditionally (Romans 13)
A true test of love is the capacity to forgive. If you have the mind to hold offences against someone, then you are not walking in love. Romans 13 says that we are to owe no man nothing, but love. Love never takes offence. Love does not seek his own good, but the good of others.
I want to challenge you today, that even as we went through these signs of offence and what it means, to take a look at your heart and do some introspections to see if you might have taken offence.
As the Holy Spirit reveals to you those offended areas of your heart, take a moment to forgive those people. As you do, you will see God’s presence immediately start to flood your life, and you will begin to experience the blessings of God invade your life once again.
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