I am yet to meet anyone who cannot testify to a “need” they need met. Some “needs” may be easier to fulfill with some help but there are others that require something radical to change or fulfill that need. As Christians we have learnt about miracles, extraordinary and remarkable events that brought welcome consequences. Many of these miracles are not explicable by natural or scientific laws and therefore can only be attributed to a divine agency. For example, raising of the dead, a coin in a fish’s mouth, the sick healed and the bound freed.
To the fainthearted, beaten down or even the unbeliever the miracles we are referring to may seem impossible to have, only something you read about in the Bible or in a magazine of someone “lucky” enough to get one. What if I told you that you can bring miracles right to your doorstep!
Reach out today and take hold of the keys I am about to share with you.
Faith is the connecting power into the spiritual realm. It links us with God and makes Him a tangible reality to our senses and perceptions. It is also the key requirement for all the other keys. Its foundational attributes will make the rest of the keys possible. Faith is activated by action and therefore we can affirm that deeds or actions are the byproduct of a living faith.
- You have the ability to increase your faith from one level to another Romans 1:16-17 – NKJV.
- Faith can be measured; it can be increased or decreased. Romans 12:3 NKJV.
- There are distinctive levels of faith.
Little faith and no faith versus great faith:
Jesus addresses little faith in Matthew 17:20-21 (NIV & AMP). If you operate in little faith doubt and imperfections will continue to characterize your life. If this is you, adjust the tone of your faith to trust and believing in God’s Word and you will see your mountains move.
Step out of the boat like Peter.
In Mark 4:40 (KJV) the disciples were in gripping fear. When Jesus awoke, he rebuked them for having no faith. Jesus however, displayed great faith when He commanded a howling tempest sea to “Peace be Still” and instant calm. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Your measure of faith will increase if you take what you hear and apply it practically to your life.
Believing and trusting is not one and the same thing. It is easy to say that you believe God for a miracle but it’s another thing entirely to trust. Trust is necessary for great faith. In Matthew 8:10 Jesus commends a Centurion for having great faith.
Recognize the wisdom in trusting God and nothing will be impossible for you.
You affect your health by more than diet, nutrition, exercise and sleep. You affect it by your attitude and spirit. A joyful spirit will take you to an otherwise impossible level but negativity will dry up your drive to accomplish anything. God cannot work with someone who murmurs and complains but operates in an atmosphere that is filled with joy.
“A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.”
Proverbs 17:22 (NKJV)
The joy of the Lord is your strength. Have a grateful attitude and a thankful heart in everything.
Resist in Greek means “Anthistemi”. “Anthi” means against, to oppose something and “Stemi” means to take a stand. Combined it means to stand in opposition against something. It describes someone who fiercely opposes something or someone. Refuse to accept your circumstances, resist the enemy in your season of trouble and he will flee from you.
The devil knows he is a law breaker. He knows that if a believer resists him by using their God-given authority, they will overcome, and he will have no choice but to leave.
Jesus never dealt with the fruit of the symptoms but discerned the fruit and dealt with the roots. Until you deal with the roots an instant miracle cannot take place. By stepping into greater dimensions of faith your possibilities to overcome become infinite.
What is the root of your problem? Discern it – deal with it – triumph over it!
The miracle in the above scriptures only took place once the root was dealt with. Many times, your breakthrough is locked up in your deliverance.
Consistency – consistency – consistency. Elijah displayed consistency. Through persistent prayer he was able to see what others could not. Even when he saw a breakthrough as small as a man’s hand, he remained consistent until his desired outcome was brought to completion.
God is the author of victory in our lives. He is the One always leading us to conquer over all things. There is no other solution BUT GOD who is our peace in a world of tribulation.
Thank you for this 5 keys!
Yes and amen.
Amen, powerful.
Thank you man of God, for all that we learn from you , and I just want to thank you for praying for me my husband is changing I thank God for that miracle, God bless you
Thank you man of God, for all that we learn from you , and I just want to thank you for praying for me my husband is changing I thank God for that miracle, God bless you
Powerful word thank you prophet Leon.
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