Hero vs Villain
The world has handed our enemy the microphone and his message is dangerous. He is vexed by anyone who bears the insignia of God, those who are armoured with spiritual illumination and truth, who has the fire of God running through their veins, their minds floodlit by the Word of God, who encompass all that is pure and holy as opposed to the darkness of evil.
His narcissistic nature intoxicates him with hatred and he gnashes his teeth against those who walk uprightly. He doesn’t employ subtlety when he plots against and pursues the uncompromisingly righteous. But in these genres of enmity, we are not left to fend for ourselves.
Satan is our nemesis, but the One Who by the sound of His voice broke the cedars of Lebanon, the One who is the harbinger of unequaled power, is our elhi.
No power will bend its knee until its position is overturned by a stronger one. There has to be a clash of powers. God’s power is hidden in His Glory and Presence. He hides it there because you cannot seek His power for your own benefit, but when you seek Him as a person then power will be given unto you. Anything that is easily obtainable becomes cheap and is no longer appreciated but when it takes a stamina to obtain then you will cherish it.
Our enemy is a cunning criminal and may ramp up the pressure to “trap” his prey but even an ounce of protection from God is worth a pound of cure. Precaution before a crisis hits is like a stitch in time saves nine. By spending time in your secret place, saturated by His presence and counsel, you will be positioned to download whatever you need before it hits you.
“God Desires People to Seek His Presence”
Five manifestations of God’s power that will flat-line your enemy.
We have to be spirit led to be spirit sustained. We need to encounter the Word of God before it will become alive in us. When that happens you no longer move the Word it moves you!
- THE VOICE OF GOD. In the first dimension the voice of God must come to you in the form of revelation. Once that is in place it gives you access into another or next dimension. The voice of God can be heard when Joshua commanded the sun to stand still. The voice of God manifested through Jesus when He cursed the fig tree. The voice of God addresses the spirit behind the manifestation of what is confronting you.
- THE FINGER OF GOD (Exodus 8:18&19; Daniel 5:5). The magician said to Pharaoh in one translation “this is none other but the finger of God”. In Daniel we read that the fingers of a man’s hand appeared and wrote opposite the lampstand on the plaster of the wall. The finger of God is a prophet. There are two meanings for the finger of God. Number one, it is a prophet. Number two it is the Holy Ghost clothed in human flesh. Let me turn it around for you, it is a human being baptized in the Holy Ghost. So, when Jesus said “when I cast out devils by the finger of God, you must know that the kingdom of God has come upon you.
- THE HAND OF GOD (Psalm 44:2). The hand of God is there to drive out your enemy. To pluck up and to destroy. In Hebrew it explains what the hand of the Lord means in situations as the scripture interprets it. Number one, it is mighty. Number two, it means dangerous against deadly enemies. The hand of God is a weapon you can call upon.
- THE ARM OF GOD (Psalm 89:21). We are strengthened by God’s arm. The arm of God is what we call “ischus power”. Ischus power in the Greek, means the muscles of God. It’s the power of character and consistency which you obtain through a consistent prayer and Word life. When you get the ischus power of God upon your life, it means you get the muscles and strength of God.
- THE THUNDER OF GOD (Job 26:14). The thunder of God is what will cause your enemies to flee when God speaks. Moses was on the mountain top encountering God while the Israelites were too scared to get close to hear from God. When Moses came down from the mountain the Bible says his face was shining so brightly, he had to put a veil over it. This brightness means that lightning was coming out of his face.
Without God we are not enough, however it’s the but for God upon our earthen vessels that armors us up as more than conquerors.
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