DECODED – The Mystery of Money
Have you ever felt frustrated by the years ticking by, yet you’re constantly faced with the
reality of unfulfilled dreams?
What is that one thing you so desire that you haven’t yet achieved?
Keeping that in mind, answer this question...
“If you had access to any amount of money you needed, right now, would those desires be fulfilled?”
For the majority of you reading this article today, the answer would be, “yes!”
So many Christians were raised in religious and traditional homes, where they were taught that to desire money was a sin and that money was the root of all evil. This couldn’t be further from the truth, because in fact, the Bibles says that God delights in the prosperity of His saints.
If that is the case, then we can also say that if you want God to delight over you, then one of the sure ways to secure this is you need to prosper!
“He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper.”
Psalm 1:3 (NKJV)
The above psalm isn’t only for those who lived in the Bible times. It was forever recorded with divine purpose because it includes you and I.
Imagine you could unlock the mystery that would make whatever you do to prosper. Tell me, what would be impossible for you?
If you want the kind of uncommon and unmerited favour that goes before you in every direction, then this article is for you.
If you desire favour that surpasses all natural understanding to rest upon you, where everything that you touch turns into a blessing and becomes prosperous, then God ordained for you to receive this revelation today.
If you want to be strategically aligned where all the blessings which God promised you and your forefathers to manifest in your life, then you need to keep reading!
Joseph’s Secret
Let’s go back to the book of Genesis, to the story of Joseph being sold as a slave. This story played out in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the city, right in the centre of the whole market scene.
Now, think about this for a moment, and imagine yourself in the scene of this Egyptian market. In a short while, Joseph would be inspected like an animal – completely against his will - and sold into a lifetime of slavery.
I can imagine that buyers were scrutinising him, and how humiliating this was for Joseph. He was most likely handcuffed or chained at the time, while being auctioned off to the highest bidder.
If you were among the many curious spectators and bystanders in the main square, would you consider this young man who is about to be sold into slavery “a successful man”?
Of course not! Yet, despite all of this, that’s exactly how God l abelled Joseph .
“Now Joseph had been taken down to Egypt. And Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, captain of the guard, an Egyptian, bought him from the Ishmaelites who had taken him down there. 2 The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian.”
Genesis 39:1-2 (NKJV)
From the above scripture, it is definitively clear that success is not what you have, but rather who you have! Joseph literally had nothing materially, but at the same time, he had everything because the Lord was with him.
The Unexplainable Miracle
There is one thing that can work miracles on your behalf like you’ve never imagined, and that is the favour of God. Some call it a “money magnet” – although it’s not limited to money alone. Before you get offended – stay with me. I’ll show you how this ties back to scripture.
When it seems that everything is going bad around you, yet God favours you, He will turn whatever you are facing for your good. When everybody thinks you are dead, done and dusted - you’re actually being promoted. It’s an unexplainable miracle.
The fact is that when God chooses a man, no one can fight it. Just like with Joseph.
To have the favour of God upon your life can be compared to someone who carries “the Midas touch”. Whatever they put their hand to – just like Joseph – it begins to prosper.
“The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man;”
Genesis 39:2 (NKJV)
The Bible says the Lord was with him when he was in prison and that the Lord was with him when he was in slavery. The Lord never left Joseph, just like He will never leave you.
“So Joseph found favor in his sight, and served him. Then he made him overseer of his house, and all that he had he put under his authority.”
Genesis 39:4 (NKJV)
If you want to see favour in action, you’ll see it in the life of Joseph. From being sold as a slave, to being held captive in prison like a criminal, and then to be released from prison to becoming second in command.
If you are facing a situation today that seems completely beyond your control – perhaps you’re being sold out by those around you, despised and ill-treated, held in bondage, or being looked down upon by those who you work with – you could be in line for a miracle, powered by favour, just like Joseph!
One day you can have your boss or co-workers plotting against you, and the next day they’re offering you a promotion and shares into the business – that’s because of favour!
“So Joseph found favor in his sight...”
Genesis 39:4 (NKJV)
The Hebrew word for “favour” in the scripture above is “Cheyn”. This word directly refers to the favour of God. However, what is very interesting is that the word “Cheyn” is where we get the English word “coin” from.
That means that this favour of God, which so caused Joseph to prosper and his life to completely turn around, was the “coin” and “favour” of God.
This one revelation will chase any spirit of religion or demon of poverty out of you!
God’s choice of word in this verse gives a clear indication of God as a businessman, and His intent for every single one of us – as His children – to prosper.
Money is God's purpose and will. Even Jesus said, “Do business until I come.” It’s a trade. I give you money, and in turn, you give me value, time, expertise and skills. That is the structure God has incorporated from the beginning. This was orchestrated so that man would live in prosperity, and that value would be found in exchange.
So what can God’s favour do for you?
His favour is a magnet to coins, to success and to your prosperity. In fact, part of God's name even means prosperity.
His will for you and for me is that we may prosper!
The secret to money is the favour of God, and right now, I declare and decree that you shall find favour with God.
I command such a blessing to be poured out over you, that those standing by who have seen you at your lowest would be astounded and what God does in you, through you and for you.
I prophesy over your life that this next season shall be your best one yet, in the Name of Jesus, Amen.
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