Can I lose my Salvation?
The clock of life is wound but once and no man has the power to tell just when its hands will stop. But in this journey our life is filled with different milestones. Milestones are different for each age and range from infancy to old age. There are developmental milestones such as behaviours or physical skills. To upsell this concept to you with specific relevance to spiritual development is the milestone of salvation. Salvation is probably the most important decision of your life and the effects thereof will ripple into eternity.
A question subsequent to salvation often wrestled with in the life of many believers is whether they can lose their salvation, but what if this torment is a mere result of a biblical misunderstanding? God wants His children to rest in the knowledge that they belong to Him forever. To not fall short of our promised abundant life by the power of the Holy Spirit, I am going to highlight some pertinent points in your mind.
- There cannot be any doubt in you whether you can lose your salvation. You MUST know the revelatory truth of God’s word to dispel any doubts about your salvation.
- Eve in Genesis was not able to recognize the deception of the enemy and this made her double-minded about the word of God. Satan will always try to find an entry point where he can plague you with doubt.
- Is it really God’s will for me to be healed? Is it God’s will for me to be blessed? If you are in a constant grind with these questions or similar expressions you are not walking in the freedom of the Truth.
- There is a difference between rightly dividing and wrongly dividing the Word of Truth. Scripture must interpret scripture.
- Remember that the Bible is written for us, not to us.
Distinguish between conviction and condemnation!
Dispensationalism considers biblical history as divided by God into various dispensations, defined periods or ages to which God has allotted distinctive administrative principles. It is therefore very important to understand dispensational truths and time frames. Jesus often addressed the Jews whereas Paul often addressed the Gentiles. If you do not approach the Bible in its dispensational reality, you will assume that God has only one plan or truth for a given situation.
If you are not raptured, then you were not truly saved!
The rapture of the Church is a very important sub doctrine of the Christian belief and a correct perspective is important. Your views will affect and influence your outlook and conduct on life as well as your hope for a future. If you say that the rapture is partial you can basically throw away your Bible.
Who will be left behind?
- Jesus is not coming back for His church as an organisation, He is coming back for His body, His bride.
- You can be a Christian by title only but not truly saved even though you may think you are.
- You can be in a church building but not be part of the Bride or the body.
- Some people repent falsely. It was never a sincere repentance but an emotional one for the moment, but the Blood has not yet done its work.
The apostle Paul speaks of the Blood and remission of sins, forbearance of God. The great Shepherd as in Jesus is holding unto us, not us onto Him. You cannot hold unto God. Belief is the only thing that is not a work. If we continually work to “stay in heaven” then the cross was in vain. Your salvation comes through believing in your heart and confession with your mouth. If you are truly saved you will experience a hunger for the Lord.
Even your desire to do good is navigated by God in you to want to do good - Philippians 1:6 NKJV. There is nothing you can do to get saved; your own works cannot save you. The Holy Spirit convicts the world, He convicts their conscious mind so that they can hear and know what they are doing wrong. To convict means to put into a prison. The Holy Spirit does not convict the believer and you will not find a scripture that says so.
God will never leave you nor forsake you. His word promises you this. If you understand Grace, you will understand eternal security. Give grace time to work in you and don’t fall back into the law. Ask yourself this “am I holding on or am I eternally held”.
Many people are not sure whether a saved person can be lost again. The overseeing of our lives and our eternal safety is in the Hands of God.
However, if you choose to believe that you can lose your salvation then let me point you to some important facts to think about:
- Then you lose the significance of the word eternal.
- Then you lose the Son’s promise.
- Then you lose a spiritual passage where you pass from death to life - John 5:24.
- We insult the strength of God if we think that we need to work to stay in heaven. Understand that condemnation can push you away from God and steal the joy of your salvation.
- If someone or something can pluck you from the hand of God, then God is not Omnipotent - John 10:27.
- Spiritual circumcision! You cannot un-circumcise something, once it’s done it can never be undone in the natural - the same applies to the spiritual.
Was Paul preaching a “once saved, always saved” gospel? Yes, he was!
It’s just that people don’t like the idea of “once saved always saved” because their flesh hasn’t been dealt with, and then they fall into sin and stay there, because they still enjoy it. But even if this is you – you cannot lose the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
You may be doing damage to your relationship with God, by quenching the Holy Spirit, but your position in heavenly places remains untouched.
God is such a loving God. He sent His only son whom He so loved, and watched the shedding of His blood, so that you could obtain eternal redemption.
Your position is high seated with Christ. No matter what you do, your position can’t change – because you didn’t earn it in the first place!
You can negatively or positively impact your relationship with God through your sinful lifestyle or your consecration to Him, but this will have an influence on your fellowship with God – not where you are spending eternity.
What many people fail to understand is that it isn’t the truth that will set you free – after all, the truth has existed long before the foundations of the Earth and has never changed. It is the knowledge of the truth that will set you free.
The moment that you have a revelation of grace through Christ Jesus, you will no longer want to sin. Your only motive will now be to please the Lord Jesus Christ. Once your mind is set to please Him, it will inevitably lead to a life that is not conformed to this world, but to the Kingdom of Heaven.
As long as you are unsettled on this very important truth, doubts and fears will always flood your mind and unsettle you. If you become riddled with doubt and fear it will steal your peace and happiness. Your happiness will come by accepting a plain but powerful truth that you are in the hands of the Lord who is your Saviour and everlasting friend.
In a recent sermon which I preached, I outlined several further points in great detail concerning this greatly misunderstood topic, and I’d like to encourage you to listen to it. The full message can be found on our EncounterNow App.
I pray that as you listen to this message, that you will receive the spirit of revelation and understanding, and that any weight of condemnation which the enemy has placed upon you will be broken, in Jesus’ Name.
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