If you were asked off the cuff to define the role of an armorbearer, you may be able to give a logical tidbit here and there but the truth of the matter is that an armorbearer is a distinctive additive to the sonship regiment. If you understand the function of an armorbearer you will have understanding for the function of a son because a son carries the same responsibility as an armorbearer.

The moment you step into the position of a son you have been designated as an armorbearer.

21 So David came to Saul and stood before him. And he loved him greatly, and he became his armorbearer.

1 Samuel 16:21 (NKJV)

  • Although David was anointed as king he had to serve before he could step into that position. He first had to become an armorbearer.
  • In the spirit of an armorbearer Elisha served Elijah before he could qualify for a double portion anointing.

Becoming an armorbearer is imperative to advance into the call of God for your life.

  1. Definition of an armorbearer:

The word armorbearer in this context is translated from two Hebrew words. 

  1. “Nasa” – Meaning to “Lift, bear up, help, raise, stir up”
  2. “Kalah” - Meaning to “To End, to finish, utterly destroy”


These two Hebrew words tells us that an armorbearer must uplift his leader and both protect him and destroy any danger that might present itself.

  • Jesus told His disciples that He is going further to pray, taking with Him Peter, James and John instructing them to watch with Him. They had to protect and pray.
  • Moses chose 70 able men and took of the spirit that was upon him and placed it upon them so that they shall bear the burden of the people with him. These 70 men were his armorbearers.
  • David had 37 mighty men that surrounded him, men willing to take on sacrifice and danger for the benefit of their king.
  1. The function of an armorbearer:

An armorbearer must provide strength both physically and spiritually. He will always reflect and create an atmosphere of peace and faith.  In battle the armorbearer will carry his leader’s shield.  Spiritually speaking when we refer to a shield, we are denoting faith.  If you are the armorbearer you will be responsible to carry your spiritual father’s faith by executing the ability to uplift his faith during the heat of spiritual conflict.

Your presence will either give energy or drain energy.  A sad countenance was never tolerated in royal presence, in fact it was an offence punishable by death (Nehemiah 2:2). 

Everyone needs to be carried now and then but for you to be a successful armorbearer your spiritual father must sense the joy and victory that emanates from you. Your positive countenance will minister to him as opposed to draining him mentally and emotionally.

You have to become like minded with your spiritual father.  It is imperative for an armorbearer to have the ability to anticipate his father’s next move and to flow with him in the spirit of understanding. Instilling a mindset that is always willing to submit to those placed in positions of authority. Submission comes easily when you believe in the vision.   

Submission is a root that will produce unity.

  1. Taking and understanding responsibility:

The most effective way to advance the vision of a leader is by taking responsibility.  Until we become responsible God will not entrust us with anything.  Everything in your life, both physically and spiritually starts with taking responsibility.

17 Then I will come down and talk with you there. I will take of the Spirit that is upon you and will put the same upon them; and they shall bear the burden of the people with you, that you may not bear it yourself alone

 Numbers 11:17 (NKJV)

Responsibility is a state of being committed, answerable and accountable to something or someone.  Responsibility is also a burden, taking a load or carrying a weight (Galatians 6:5 NKJV).

By saying that we are burdened with work every day means that we carry a great responsibility.

God requires us to be responsible and to govern ourselves.  We are responsible for our own life, relationships, behaviour and attitude.  When God can see that you take responsibility it is a sign that He can trust you with more.

A mature Christian accepts responsibility and all responsibility starts with commitment.

Responsibility requires sacrifice.  Every covenant of commitment begins with a sacrifice.  Often people will complain that they are burdened with too many responsibilities but this only means that they have been given the strength to both carry it and see it through.  Burden does not have to be a negative thing.  Your maturity will be activated the moment that you take action over your responsibilities

The spirit of this age wants everything but they want it for free.  They do not want to sacrifice for it, it must just be given.  They demand rights, privileges and entitlement but refuse to take responsibility.

Many are spiritual vagabonds and own nothing.  A vagabond will go from house to house, marriage to marriage, divorce to divorce and from church to church.  They never become established in anything, never see anything through.

You will see potential in them, then the moment you give them responsibility they become offended.

Taking ownership over something is part of being responsible.  Someone that is irresponsible will always blame others but it is time to take responsibility for your own life as a son and daughter of the most high God.

Accepting responsibility:

  • Gives you power to lead.
  • Preconditions you to succeed.
  • Gives us authority and power.
  • Endorse acceleration in your life.

Our spiritual fathers and leaders have been tasked to walk onto the front lines of a very real spiritual battle and should not attempt to do ministry on their own.  They should be flanked and supported by armorbearers who stand by their leaders, never leaving their side regardless of obvious dangers.

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