In the scripture above we see that every Christian has been given a sound mind. God did not give us the spirit of fear, but instead, He deposited within us a spirit of peace.
We as believers are at war every day, but sometimes we fight a battle that we were never meant to fight. This is called a “false battle”. The enemy has put this snare together in order to steal our time and energy. It was designed to distract us from keeping our focus on the call of God. The Bible says that we should fight the good fight of faith; this shows us that we can also fight a bad fight.
This is a weapon that destroys destinies and callings. If you are not aware of this, it can cause your call to be delayed, and it might go as far as missing your call. These false battles that we fall into have no reward and wouldn’t gain us anything even if we might win them.
It is our duty to make sure that we avoid this trap and keep our eyes steadfast on the call of God. The Bible says that we should renew our minds daily, and spending time in the Word is one of the best ways to recognize and deal with it effectively.
Don’t waste time-fighting false battles that yield no rewards, but make it a priority to keep your focus and run wholeheartedly after the call of God.
Take Over,
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