Are you Rapture Ready? - Part 3
For those of you who have been following this series, you will be able to testify of the mind-blowing truth which has been revealed.
We have had an influx of testimonies, feedback and questions from around the World of people who have been saved for 20 years and even more, where they are saying that they have never heard such undiluted truth shared on this topic, even in all the years of their salvation.
In this article specifically, we will be concluding the teaching on the rapture, and what those who are left behind can expect. This is one of the most eye-opening articles you may ever read, and I actually ask of you that you would share these articles on “Rapture Ready or Not” with your loved ones who may be lost, backslidden, or even those who simply don’t have an understanding of the end times.
We ended off the previous part of this with the 7 seals, and the 7th seal being the prelude to the 7 trumpets.
This “silence” can be compared to the silence that you experience in a courtroom when a judge enters to sentence the condemned criminal.
This is to announce the 7 trumpet judgments that are about to be given by the 7 angels.
Here, Heaven stands speechless and spellbound for ½ hour. Something terrible is about to happen on earth (Revelation 8:2,6) and time is given for those on earth to think about God’s judgment.
Now, let’s delve into these 7 trumpets, and what each of these release upon the earth.
- The Seven Trumpets
- 1st Trumpet: Vegetation is Struck
For those who are left behind who haven’t already perished, they will see hail and fire mingled with blood, 1/3 of the trees and all green grass burned up.
- 2nd Trumpet: The Seas are Struck
This could be an atomic bomb or a great burning meteor, but suddenly 1/3 of the sea becomes blood, 1/3 of all living creatures in the sea die, and 1/3 of the ships are destroyed.
- 3rd Trumpet: The Waters are Struck
Fresh water is polluted and drinking water becomes contaminated. Wormwood is a perennial herb, which is extremely bitter and destructive to the human body.
- 4th Trumpet: The Heavens are Struck
When the heavens are struck, the sun will lose 1/3 of its power, and it will become extremely cold upon the earth. Even the angel beseeches those left behind to look out, to repent, because the next 3 trumpets are even worse.
- 5th Trumpet: The Locusts from the Bottomless Pit
Hell is let loose on earth. For five months, people will be tormented and want to commit suicide to get relief, but they won’t be able to. Those who are left behind after the rapture will experience “hell on earth” except that actual hell will be much worse!
- 6th Trumpet: The Angels from the Euphrates
In Revelation 6:8, ¼ of the earth’s population were killed, yet now, we read of another 1/3 of those remaining being killed. That means that ½ of the earth’s population has now been killed up until this point.
- 7th Trumpet: The 7 bowls
The 7th Trumpet brings 7 bowls of wrath for the earth.
- 1st Bowl: Loathsome Sores
These sores will be like running, painful, stinking boils or ulcers.
- 2nd Bowl: The Sea Turns to Blood
Now death comes to everything in the oceans.
- 3rd Bowl: The Waters Turn to Blood
Before only 1/3 of water was turned bad, but now, all the water is turned to blood.
- 4th Bowl: Men are Scorched
Before we saw the sun lose 1/3 of its power, and there was extreme cold. But now, the sun has increased in power, and there is extreme heat. Before there were boils and sores, but now there will be blisters on top of them! There will be no water to satisfy their thirst or soothe their wounds. A small taste of hell to come. All this so they might repent and turn to God, but verse 9 shows that they did not.
- 5th Bowl: Darkness and Pain
When Jesus died to take away our sins, there were 3 hours of darkness over the earth. Now, there is complete darkness because of their rejection of Him. People will not be able to see in this darkness and will run into things, bumping their sores and blisters, falling into the rivers of blood.
- 6th Bowl: Euphrates Dried Up
This bowl speak of preparation for the Battle of Armageddon.
- 7th Bowl: The Earth is Utterly Shaken
Satan’s kingdom is crumbling. The earth, which was Satan’s domain, has been devastated beyond all human recognition. Do the words “It is done” and “It is finished” sound familiar? God’s plan of salvation was completed at the cross when Jesus said, “It is finished”. Now, for those who rejected it, “It is done”.
There is still time for you and I…
Do you see why this time before the rapture is called the “Age of Grace”? Everything that you have just read here will happen, literally. But, you can thank God that He is a God of love and grace, and that He has provided us with a way of escape through Jesus Christ. He is the God of love, but He is also the God of justice.
Understand that there is only one way that we can escape this great tribulation.
Know that as sure as you are reading this now, it will be too late after the rapture. You must come to Jesus Christ now – before it is eternally too late. Simply call upon His Name, give your heart to Him, and you will be saved!
That whoever calls on the name of the Lord
Shall be saved.’
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