Are you Rapture Ready? - Part 1
“Am I ready for the Rapture?”
It is such a simple question, yet it is burning in the hearts of billions of people around the World even today – both saved and unsaved. As they begin to become aware of the signs around them which are pointing to the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, they lie in their beds at night fearing the truth to the answer of this very question, leaving many with no peace in their hearts.
Let me tell you, if you don’t get this message clearly today, you might not make it. In fact, I believe that 90% of Christians are actually at risk of being left behind. That’s why, in this article, we are going to change that.
If right now, the last trumpet was to sound, are you going to be part of those who are caught up (Greek word, “harpazo”) into heaven? The Bible says that the dead shall rise first, and we who are alive in Christ shall be caught up with them.
The question is, are you going to be part of those who are raptured? How do you make sure that you are rapture ready? Are you fully convinced that you will make it?
- The day of the Lord will be like in the days of Noah:
If the Bible says that it shall happen just as it was in the days of Noah, then that’s what we need to be prepared for. In Genesis, we read how the angels came down to sleep with the daughters of man, causing God to come down and say I’m erasing all of this evil off the Earth – then that means that in these days it shall also happen.
When the angels slept with the daughters of man, that seed caused a race to come forth, which are called the Nephilim. In this particular verse, Jesus prophesied that just as it was in the days of Noah, we can expect to see these things occur again – even including the giants.
However, the mistakes which most theologians and Christians make is that they only read verse 26, and forget the rest of the chapter. But, the rest of the chapter points us to see what else happened in the days of Noah, so that we may know exactly what else to expect.
There are many similarities between Noah and the days which we are in now… Noah was in the ark with his family for 40 days and 40 nights. It was quite like lockdown! There were no shopping malls, access to friends, social gatherings, etc. They were stuck among the animals. They were just sitting there with their family. During the lockdown, both divorce and domestic violence have increased.
Don’t you think that if Jesus said the rapture would be like the days of Noah, we should go back to Noah to see how Noah prepared for the ark?
2. Noah found grace:
This stirs a problem with the religious mindset, because now we realize what Noah “found”. Noah didn’t find the law, Noah found grace.
The word “found” in this verse is the word “mā-ṣā” (pronounced matzah) which means to come upon, to light upon, to happen, to meet. It also means to learn in the Hebrew.
This means that Noah learned grace. Noah got into grace, studied it and caught the revelation of it. There was no law at that time, and Noah found grace.
The Bible is telling you that when you are in the last days, that guess what? We shouldn’t talk about what the laws says, because Jesus made it clear that we only need to obey two laws, which are both founded on love. If you have love, it cancels out all the other 613 laws. This is according to the New Testament, which we now find ourselves in!
Now we see that after Noah found grace, the Bible speaks of the generations of Noah – the ones who found grace. How did they find grace? The family became partakers of his (Noah’s) grace.
How can that be? Aren’t we all walking our own individual journeys with God? Yet we read how Paul said that you are partakers of my grace, while he was in prison. Therefore, the message that needs to be preached in order for you to be included in the rapture is none other than the message of grace.
The problem with the church today is that they think grace forms part of the gospel, just like faith is a part, truth another part, etc., yet they confuse what grace really is.
3. Grace and Faith is the same thing:
The goal was for Jesus to come so that sin would be taken away. The moment you start preaching about sin in the church, you are basically saying that Jesus didn’t do His work.
Paul is saying in Galatians “I’m so surprised by your stupidity”. It is record-breaking foolishness! Paul thought that it would take longer for them to be fooled out of the grace gospel, and yet, it happened so soon. Paul thought that these people were loyal to what he was preaching, but someone came and taught a contrary message, and within seconds had completely confused them.
The Bible says that we, as Christians, are called into the grace of Christ, but we are called from there into another gospel. If the Bible calls another gospel, it means that grace is a gospel. The gospel is grace – it is not only part of it, but a totality of it.
The Bible is saying that the real gospel is grace. In this scripture, Jesus says I am the way, the truth and the life. I’m the way, the “A to Z” of it all. If you get this, then you can be counted among those who are raptured.
4. So, how do you grow in grace? It’s simple - through the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ:
This scripture says that we need to grow in grace, which is the mother of knowledge. We can either get the knowledge as a product of grace, or we get knowledge that produces grace. Grace is increased by hearing the Word of God!
Grace and faith is the same thing. They both increase when you hear the Word of God. When grace is increased, faith will be increased. When faith is increased, then grace will be increased. When we say that a man is full of grace, we also mean that he is full of faith.
What did Noah find? He found grace… Yet look how this verse starts:
The Old Testament says that Noah found grace, but the New Testament says that he found faith. So, when people think that faith and grace are two separate things, they are sorely mistaken. Grace is the totality of it all, and grace contains faith. In Genesis 6:8, after Noah discovered grace, his household became partakers of his grace. They were on the ark. In Hebrews 11:7, by faith we see his household was saved.
When you put your body into subjection and suppress the carnal emotions which so easily try to slip us up, it is a sign that you are able to bring your flesh into subjection. So how do we grow in this grace? Is it by doing good works?
The true Gospel leads people to repentance. The Word of God in your spirit will make you do the works. You don’t do the works by your own will. The Word comes into you, then your will is changed, and then your will, that has now been influenced by the Word of God will start to cause an action to take place.
When you stop drinking because a preacher told you to stop drinking, it might be a good idea because it is necessary for your health, but it’s not in order for you to ‘make it’ into heaven. To stop going to the club because you’re a Christian is a good idea, but it is not going to take you to heaven. Your personal decision needs to be influenced by the Holy Ghost, and by the Word. You can decide to stop drinking and still go to hell, because your decision was not influenced by the Word of God.
6.God is not here to change your actions; He is here to change your heart:
The Word of God is the only changer of hearts, so when your heart is changed, your actions come out clean. How then do we become righteous? By receiving Christ. Who is Christ? The Word!
Noah was righteous and blameless before God. He got there through grace! Because he found grace, he was able to walk boldly before God, enjoying a relationship with Him – rid of fear and condemnation.
If you’re amongst those who desperately want peace – knowing that you will be raptured together with the church – then you need to receive a true revelation of grace.
Grace is the only spiritual principle that will take you to heaven and is the only truth that will make you rapture ready.
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